Our Services

We offer a wide range of services that can help businesses achieve their goals. These services include business process re-engineering, implementation, and consulting. We offer our clients both training and support to help them get the most from our methodology.

Project Delivery Management

A well-managed project is essential to the success of any business. With years of experience in project management, Agile Plus Solutions can help you manage your projects successfully with our dedicated PMs and consultants.

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

1. Development management: Our team of experienced project managers can help you with the whole development process, from initiating the project to monitoring and managing its progress.
2. Control and coordination: Our team can help you to control and coordinate all the aspects of your project, from planning to execution.
3. Resource allocation and management: Our team can help you to allocate the right resources to your project, and to ensure that they are used efficiently.
4. Project closure: Our team can help you to effectively close your project, ensuring that all the necessary steps have been taken.
5. PMO project management training: Our team can provide you with the necessary training to manage your PMO projects effectively.

Change Management

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

Change management planning

Plan and execute a successful change management process.

Change management execution

Successfully implement your change management plan.

Change management monitoring and assessment

Monitor and assess the success of your change management process.

Change management education and training

Provide you with the necessary education

Changing management processes successfully requires the help of an experienced change manager and well-coordinated team. Agile Plus Solutions has many years of experience helping companies navigate successful change processes.

Portfolio Management

Successful businesses are always looking for new ways to reach customers and increase their profits. Agile Plus Solutions has many years of experience in helping organizations to manage their assets, identify and capitalize on new opportunities.

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

Asset management:

Manage your assets and identify and capitalize on new opportunities.

Financial strategy

Develop and implement a financial strategy that supports your business goals.

Business strategy

Develop and implement a business strategy that supports your asset management goals.

Strategic planning

Create a comprehensive strategic plan that supports your business goals.

Process Improvement

Successful businesses are always looking for new ways to reach customers and increase their profits. Agile Plus Solutions has many years of experience in helping organizations to manage their assets, identify and capitalize on new opportunities.

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

Asset management:

Manage your assets and identify and capitalize on new opportunities.

Financial strategy

Develop and implement a financial strategy that supports your business goals.

Business strategy

Develop and implement a business strategy that supports your asset management goals.

Strategic planning

Create a comprehensive strategic plan that supports your business goals.

Business Analysis

A well-organized business process that uses effective tools leads to increased profits and greater success. Agile Plus Solutions has a wealth of experience helping businesses plan and create business plans that are effective.

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

Business process planning

Plan and create a well-organized business process.

Business process design

Design an efficient business process that meets the needs of your organization.

Business process implementation

Implement a successful business process.

Business process auditing and assessment

Audit and assess the effectiveness of your business process.

Quality Control Management

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

Quality control planning

Plan and execute a quality control process.

Quality control execution

Effectively implement your quality control plan.

Quality control monitoring and assessment

Monitor and assess the success of your quality control process.

Quality control education and training

Provide you with the necessary education to improve the quality of your products and services.

It is essential to ensure the quality of your products and services in order to achieve your business objectives. Agile Plus Solutions has more than 15 years of experience in quality control management and can help you audit and improve the quality of your products and services.

Business Leadership Trainings

Successful leaders lead successful businesses. Being able to lead a successful business is essential. Agile Plus Solutions can help you to become more competent in order to lead a successful business.

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

1. Developing business leadership skills: Learn the essential skills necessary to lead a successful business.
2. Training in strategic business planning:Learn how to develop a successful business plan.
3. Training in effective communication:Learn how to effectively communicate with your team and stakeholders.
4. Training in business analysis and decision making:Learn how to make sound business decisions.

Workplace Training

To be successful in the present and future, your employees need to be able to successfully handle the challenges that modern business leaders face. Agile Plus Solutions has many years of experience in helping businesses achieve the skills that they need to succeed.

How Agile Plus Solutions Can Help

Training design and development

Design and develop effective training programs that meet the specific needs of your business.

Training delivery

Deliver training programs successfully, with minimum impact on your business

Training assessment

Assess the effectiveness of your training programs.

Management training

Train your managers to successfully lead your employees.